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Syahirah's Virtual Diary

Hi there!

Syahirah, 21, Cairo University

2018 is on the corner!

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Assalamualaikum semuaa :D Today the date is 31st December of 2017 and it has been a while since I last blogged. And yes Im at last have the time to blog again haha. Okay, from my previous spot I  wrote that Im 'accidentally' quit studying in UTM and jumped to Cairo Egypt for my medical school. The building in picture above is my faculty Im studying now. Yes it was very sudden and surprising for all. But Alhamdulillah I survived year 1! Rasa macam sekejap je dah habis tahun 1. And currently Im on my study leave for midyear exam Year 2. The syllabus is 3 times harder than year One's. Plus my lectures are all in Arabic. Dengan takde basic Arab, yet kena try faham apa doktor cakap dekat depan. Memang susah. Diri sendiri pun tak sangka mampu lepas tahun 1. Rezeki semua ni Alhamdulillah. So dalam kesukaran nak faham lecture dalam Arab, struggle dengan budak2 Arab, i mean the students, we are being discriminated! YESS! Just sebab diorang ingat kitorang tak faham Arab langsung, dorang mengumpat lah hapelah. Well, for you guys to know, we know much jugak tau hahaha. Thats the advantage of being in Arab classes, we get to understand their languange faster. In order to survive in other country, you have to conquer their language. Tapi yeah, Baru setahun setengah, banyak lagi yang kitorang tak tahu. Basic things tahulah. Bahasa pasar (they called that AMIYAH) diorang kitorang boleh belajar dengan cepat. Lepas ni boleh gaduh dengan dorang jugak hahahaha. And okay what more. Food. Personally, I dislike their food. First sebab diorang tak makan pedas. Sos hanya SOS TOMATO. I bet Haikal mesti seronok gila tinggal sini. And desserts dorang sangaaatttt manisss. No wonder they are mostly not in good shape (hehehe sorry). Sebab all they eat is sweet food and very oily. Plus they dont eat chillis which can increase your metabolic rate and burn your fat. For boys out there, if you think Arab girls are pretty, think back. Malaysian girls are way better hahaha. And plus dorang ni sangat berbeza dengan orang Malaysia. Kita sangat sopan (kalau yang betul2 sopan lah), tapi dorang sangat outspoken. Most of them are rude. Suka jerit2, suka gaduh2. Ugh sangat annoying. Most of the time I stay at home because of these. Persekitaran sangat bising and kotor. Yes, they throw rubbish everywhere. Plus in my house area macam kawasan setinggan. I live here because it is near to my house and affordable to students. The name's Sayeda Zainab. In Cairo, capital of Egypt. So far from Alexandria and Mansourah all. Banyak je tempat best, historical, cantik dekat Cairo, but I havent get the time to visit all. Cause I all do is sleep, eat and study. Hahahahaha. I literally spend my 'young age' in here .. So yes, banyak lagi nak diceritakan sebenarnya. Haa one good thing about living in here is currency. For current economy, RM 1 is equal to 4.5 le approximately.Which brings a loott of benefit to us since they are very cheap. That one good thing I can brag to my friends. And yes, in Cairo, you can do LASIK surgery by only less than RM500! YESSS! It is highly recommenede for eye problematic people like meee. Um other things.... Okay let me explore more about Egypt and Ill update soon. Hahaha. Till here byebyeeeee.